are all the
parts that were included in the kit. Kit is nicely packaged, but you can see
some tree warpage and flash right away when you open the kit. Glass parts
are not scratched, but chrome tree is in several places. Decals were yellow, so
I taped them to the window to bleach for a few days.
Moving to the
interior. Fuel tank was painted aluminum, and interior part was painted
custom mixed brown to simulate Connolly leather. Then tank and the bulkhead
were masked off.
As usual, I started
with the body. Font lower part of the body is a separate part (with terrible
fit), so it was glued with Tamiya liquid plastic cement and puttied with
white Squadron putty. After putty has dried, I roughly sanded the excess.
I sprayed the
entire part with flat black from WM spray can, then removed the masks to
expose fuel tank and the bulkhead.
Rear panel is also
a separate part (the kit is almost 20 years old). Apparently there were no
equipment to mold such shapes back then) so it was also glued with plastic
cement, puttied, and sanded.
panels included with the kit were not correct. They are 250GTO doors (both kits share same
tooling), so I decided to fabricate new door panels. I cut the top portions off, and
made the rest from the 0.040 sheet styrene.
After inspecting
the body, I also removed all the flash, mold lines and molded in Ferrari
script from the trunk lid. I will use Tamiya metal transfer. Plastic is
relatively soft, so I lightly sanded the body with sanding stick to flatten
some of the panels.
Then I glued the
tops to the newly made panels and sanded everything smooth constantly
checking how they will fit to the interior panels.
Then body was
washed, wet-sanded with fine paper to smooth all the sanding stick marks,
and primed with 2 coats of Tamiya gray primer. I also lightly sanded the
body after first primer coat.
Door pockets
provided in the kit were also modified. I shortened them, then thinned them
down so they look like they made from thin leather, not from sheet plastic!
Pinholes were
removed from the inside of the hood, then it was sanded and primed twice,
just like the body. It should be mentioned that there are not as many
pinholes on the body as on the rest of the kit.
Finally I used
Detail Master Interior Detail Set #1 (DM2210) to make window
cranks and door handles.
After primer dried
completely, I lightly wet-sanded it with 1200 grit paper and sprayed 3 mist
coats of Dark Blue Metallic lacquer.
Door panels were
masked and pained with same custom mixed brown. Then I attached all photoetched
parts. Now doors look correct.
dry really fast, so after about 3-4 hours I sprayed first wet coat. It made
paint look almost black, with metallic particles visible only in direct
Seats were
thoroughly cleaned, sanded, and sprayed with 3 coats of primer and them with
2 coats of brown.
Next day I sprayed
second wet coat, and left body to dry. After 48 hours I clearcoated it with Tamiya Clear TS-13. Clear coat was dry in
3 days and the
paint was polished with 3M Fine rubbing compound and then waxed with
Treatment's Last Detail wax.
Detail Master
hardware and thin black ribbon from Hobby Lobby were used to make nice lap
Meanwhile I was
working on the engine. Engine halves were glued together and painted with
Testors aluminum metalizer. Valve covers were painted "crackle black" with
Wal-Mart spray can satin black.
Kit instrument
decals were not very good, so I used Detail Master Gauges and Faces
photoetched set for the small gauges on the dashboard. Faces were
clearcoated to simulate glass over the gauges.
I installed the
engine in the chassis frame and attached exhaust manifolds painted with
Testors Burnt Metal metalizer and dry-brushed with some flat aluminum. Then I
attached drilled-out distributors and wired the engine using Detail Master
ignition wire. The engine was wired as an inside-plug version.
Everything was
assembled together. I also applied small piece of BMF to the ashtray, and
substituted kit's horrible thick shifter with small pin. Steering wheel was
painted with mixture of Tamiya dark brown and tan acrylics and topped off
with Cavallino decal.
Rear suspension was
painted with Gunmetal Testors metalizer, and slightly buffed after 30
minutes of drying. I also painted all the bolts and rivets aluminum and then used
black wash to bring out the detail of the leaf springs.
Back to the
chassis. Brake disks were painted Testors aluminum metalizer and weathered.
Calipers were painted with mixture of Testors burnt metal and titanium.
Front suspension
had those molded in springs, so I decided to remedy the situation. As you
see on the picture I cut off the top of the shock and removed the molded
spring with sharp Xacto knife. Then shock was smoothed with a sanding
Kit wire wheels
were terrible! Thick spokes, ugly looking rims. Chrome plating was also thick
and didn't improve the situation. Detail Master DM3180-3 Custom Wire Wheels
set was used to recreate Borannis. Wheels set has nice center hubs and great turned
aluminum rims.
I made a spring
from thin wire wrapped around a 2mm aluminum tube. Then I painted the shock
red, slipped the spring over it, and glued the top of the shock back. Now we
have real springs.
Each wheel
was assembled from more than 7 parts and fitted with kit knock-offs. I used kit
tires that fit perfectly, but slightly bigger and have very poor thread and
side wall details. But, they look all right on those gorgeous wheels.
Carburetors in the
kit look like three blobs of plastic, so I used carbs from another Ferrari
kit (Italeri 250GTO). Carbs were connected together with thin plastic
stripe. Then I drilled 2 small holes in each for the bell mouths. Thin
polished aluminum tubing drilled out from the inside were used for the
Disks and wheels
were fitted to the chassis, door panels painted black from the outside, rear
shocks installed, and everything test fitted to accept the body.
I installed the
carburetor assembly on the engine. Front suspension was also assembled at
this time.
you ever to build this kit, make sure you test fit completely assembled
chassis to the body very carefully, since kit precision is far from perfect,
and many parts will require some tweaking at this stage for the body to sit
Then I used acoustic
guitar string to make carburetor fuel lines. Fittings were made from tiny strips
of BMF. Finally, I stripped insulation from 1.5 mm black wire and used it as
a radiator hose.
Plastic hood hinge
was discarded and replaced with new hinge made from suitable paper clip.
Since the hinge will be a moving part, I glued it with 5 minute epoxy for
additional strength.
Ferrari twin
exhausts with mufflers were painted Testors burnt metal metalizer and
weathered with gray wash.
Window frame was
stripped, painted black and then chromed with Alclad II Chrome. Headlight
covers were detailed with some BMF to simulate chrome cover surrounds.
Now to the
interior. Floor was painted with custom mixture of Tamiya acrylic paints.
Awful kit exhaust
tips were also discarded and new tips were made from polished aluminum
tubing thinned out from the inside for additional realism.
Then I applied
Detail Master Tan flocking to simulate luxurious California carpeting. I
used white glue as an adhesive to slightly lighten the flocking.
Both front and rear
bumpers had several huge sink marks in very visible areas. Both were
stripped, puttied, sanded, and painted with Alclad II Chrome.
Finally I added oil
filter, belts and pulleys, radiator, some additional hoses (clamps made from BMF), oil funnels,
and weathered the engine with black wash. The engine is almost complete.
Taillights were
painted with Tamiya clear paints and backed with the reflective foil glued
with CA glue. Trim was painted with Testors Silver enamel.
For the ignition
coils I used Detail Master turned aluminum coils. These can be made from
thin aluminum tubing and sheet plastic as well.
Windscreen was
glued to the body, and a set of Detail Master photoetched wipers was used instead of inaccurate kit parts. Note photoetched mirror on the
dash from DM Interior set.
Next I installed
inner fenders, firewall, ignition coils, steering linkage, and scratchbuilt battery
- wired with
Detail Master battery wiring kit and wires. Now the engine is complete!
Side windows were
cut from thin sheet of clear plastic using kit part as a guide. I used
Elmer's white glue to attach them. Door handles were also re-chromed with
Alclad. Finally I lightly waxed the model, attached Ferrari script, and
- done!