I started off with gluing t-tops to the body,
and filling the seams with Tamiya liquid styrene glue, to make sure plastic
melts and fuses together. Its hard to accomplish with clear and regular
plastics since they don't seem to glue together very good. |
Front seats were put together, seams filled,
primed gray, then painted red, and central parts flocked with red
flocking, same as rear seats. |
After the glue has cured overnight, the body was
carefully putties with Squadron filler, and sanded smooth. After a light
primer coat, it was evident that roof requires a lot more filling and
sanding! |
Here is a picture of the interior with nothing
but the flocking on the floor and seats. Looks cozy already! |
After spending few hours filling and sanding the
roof and other imperfections, scribing panel lines, and cleaning the mold
lines on the body, I had it ready for final primer coat. |
Door panels were detailed with BMF, and fitted
with door handles and lock knobs (combination of photo etched base and
wire knob). Central tunnel was also detailed with BMF and photoetched pedal
faces glued to the plastic pedals. Floor mats were made with Model Factory
Hiro adhesive cloth |
Ghost lines on the roof showed up three times!
Only after third sealer coat they disappeared and body was ready for paint.
Since I was planning on painting the body silver, I didn't prime it white -
silver covers up almost any color. |
After painting the seats I realized that they
are missing seatbelt brackets, and since I was planning on adding
seatbelts, I made brackets from thin styrene strip and glued them to the
seats. |
After 2 light and one wet coat of Tamiya Silver
Leaf sprayed through the airbrush I had a nice and uniform layer of silver
paint on the body. I then proceeded with Tamiya TS13 clear coat, spraying
few light coats, followed by 3 heavy wet coats 20 minutes apart. |
Brackets were painted and seats fitted with
seatbelts. I also made seatbelt catches from sheet styrene, and fitted
belts with photoetched buckles from Detail Master. |
After about a week of drying, I polished the
body with Tamiya polishing compounds (medium and finish) and waxed with
Treatment model wax. It was shining up nicely. |
Dashboard was painted Tamiya flat black, and
drybrushed with Model Master aluminum metalizer to highlight instruments
and other raised details. |
Interior tub was really lacking details. I will
spice it up later, but for now it was cleaned and sprayed with a light coat
of Tamiya gray primer. Since I was planning on paining interior in dark red
(almost burgundy color) I decided to have gray primer as an undercoat to
darken the red. |
I also painted steering wheel and shifter boot
flat black, and replaced kit shifter with a pin that had a little ball at
one end - looks a lot more convincing than thick piece of plastic with
seam line in the middle! |
Various engine, suspension and interior parts
were carefully cleaned, primed, and sprayed with different shades of black.
I was paining all parts according to the instruction sheet, but was later
pointed out that Camaro engines were never black - great job Revell! |
Interior was temporarily put together to check
parts fit and alignment. I also test fitted interior inside the body and
to the chassis to make sure there are no interference. |
Wheels are really weak in the kit - their
construction and the way they had to be mounted on the car could have been a
lot better., But they looked accurate for the car I was trying to replicate
so I went ahead and painted them body color. |
Here is the completed interior just before the
final assembly. The last thing I added was blinker stalk made from thin
wire. With all the additions and detail painting it still does look a bit
plain, but much better than it would look out of the box. |
Wheels were assembled, fitted with tires and
tire valves, and carefully detailed with black paint and black wash. Tires
are really hard vinyl pieces that are known to react adversely with plastic
(melt it), so I made sure I painted outside of every wheel to slow down that
process. |
Back to the body. After paint was polished to
a nice shine, I needed to paint several areas flat black, and also paint
window trim. So I masked the front end... |
Next was the chassis - it was painted black, and
over sprayed with silver from a distance at an angle to replicate factory
spraying pattern. This process nicely highlighted the chassis! |
... and rear end and the hood. I have painted
front end first, and then masked and painted rear end to avoid complicated
masking. |
Rear axle-suspension-exhaust-drive shaft piece
was carefully masked and detail painted. I also drilled out exhaust tips and
painted them flat black inside. |
Here is a picture of the engine bay and
windshield trim after I removed the masks. Careful masking makes all the
difference in the building process. |
Entire piece was drybrushed with Model Master
metalizers to bring out the textures and highlight raised areas. |
Headlight buckets were hand-painted flat
black, and lights assembled and installed. I also painted and installed
front grilles. |
Engine block, cam covers, intake, exhaust
manifolds, belts and pulleys, fan, and alternator were put together and
lightly washed with black wash. I also run spark plug wires from the
distributor to the spark plugs. Wires were tied with MFH photoetched ties. |
Rear end and window trim were painted black
and glass installed. Body, interior, and chassis were assembled together
and left to dry. |
Chassis, engine, suspension, exhaust system and
wheels were put together. I picked out bolts and nuts on the chassis and
suspension with various metallic paints. |
The stance was right, and all four wheels were
sitting on the ground. Hood fit was not very good though - there was a gap
between it and front fascia that took some alignment, but still wasn't
perfect. |
I decided that it was a good time to check the
fitment of the chassis and interior parts with the body to reveal any
potential assembly problems. Even though the fit was not great, it could be
made to fit with some superglue! |
Since kit does not include any side windows I
decided to leave them open - that way you can take a glance inside and see
all the hard work I've done on the interior. |
Stance was right and both front and rear track
width were fine, so I continued with assembly. |
Completed chassis looks great - despite
minimal detailing, Overpaying and drybrushing with metalizers brought
small detail to life. |
I was building a particular car that had
cloth/vinyl interior. I used two different shades of red flocking (Detail
Master and Hiroboy) and flocked floors, package shelf, and rear seats. |
Kit decals were poor, colors were absolutely
wrong for the red/orange stripes. I decided on aftermarket decals from
Keith Marks, but even though the color was right - the quality was even
worse than kit decals - badly registered and chipping right on the sheet.
Took some effort to salvage them. Never again. |